Unfortunately, our website name and address are being used fraudulently to scam people using platforms that have nothing to do with us. This is a scam, please do not fall for it.
If you are contacted by anyone supposedly working for Passion Digital to offer products or a job using this platform “passiondigital-psn.com” or any others where you will need to complete tasks, please, please ignore and do not give him/her any information; not personal, not financial, not of any kind.
Please note that we don’t sell any products on our website or have a different platform/website than https://passion.digital/. Email addresses from anyone at Passion should end on @passiondigital.co.uk and we will NEVER contact anyone through WhatsApp.
We have now reported this issue to Action Fraud and the relevant authorities, but there is nothing else we can do at this very moment.
Please do use the internet safely and follow the steps highlighted here to report any suspicious activity https://www.gov.uk/report-suspicious-emails-websites-phishing